
A return to my roots. 21.02.2013 

Although I had been an avid athlete all my life, for many years, I did not grasp the many dimensions/faces of movement. It was only until a few years ago that I felt the need to explore movement in a more general way, as an open practice; since then, countless possibilities have opened up for me, and I could no longer contain my curiosity.

In November 2022, I traveled to my birthplace with my pregnant wife, Sabine, and my 2-year-old son, Jaron. This is the place where I lived until I was 17 years old – a very special place called Mocoa located right at the Amazon foothills, a place full of rivers, jungle, birds, wild animals, and mountains. But most of all, for me, it is full of love from my sisters, family, and friends that I am eager to share with Jaron and Sabine.

This time I felt the need to share my movement practice, and I found #indihuaira, an amazing traditional Latin dance company led by artist and dancer @robertocarlosinbacuan and dancer and choreographer @leydivivianacasanova. We offered workshops where we shared and learned a lot from each other, and I am very grateful for the opportunity, the experience, the new people I met, and the friendships I made.

In doing so, I have reinforced my belief that I have the tools and motivation to guide people who want to make it through the journey of self-discovery/empowerment by using the powerful tools that the FM practice and movement have to offer.

If you want me to guide you through a journey of movement, inspiration, and diversity, you can find me in Berlin and book a 1-on-1 session with me live or online from anywhere in the world.